Tough Topics in the FQHC: DM Practice – August 15th, 2024

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Provider burnout has been on the rise for a number of years. As provider responsibilities accumulate, it becomes imperative for coders to perform at the top of their licensure. Coders must communicate in meaningful ways based on a solid understanding of disease processes, complications, and medication misadventures. This two-session series will provide a solid basis for effective communication and accurate diagnosis coding, as well as provide ample opportunity for coders to demonstrate proficiency and collaborate with peers.

5 minutes – housekeeping slides and expectations  

20 minutes – Homework assignment #1: share answers, correct inaccuracies, discuss potential complications and communication with provider, feedback regarding problem list updates 

20 minutes – Homework assignment #2: share answers, correct inaccuracies, discuss potential complications and communication with provider, feedback regarding problem list updates 

Et. Cetera for a total of 6 homework assignments